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1. Tricks

1.1 IO

inline char nchar()
{   // read a large amount of char to speed up reading
    // the codes below are widely spread and applied so the author is uncertain
    static const int bufl = 1 << 22;
    static char buf[bufl], *a, *b;
    return a == b && (b = (a = buf) + fread(buf, 1, bufl, stdin), a == b) ? EOF : *a++;

template<class T> inline T getnum()
{   // read numbers of type T based on nchar()
    T x = 0; bool f = 1; char c = nchar();
    for(; !isdigit(c); c = nchar()) if (c == '-') f = 0;
    for(; isdigit(c); c = nchar()) x = x * 10 + c - 48;
    return f ? x : -x;

Disable the synchronization between C++ streams and standard C stream to speed up C++ streams.


1.2 Gprof - Performance Analysis Tool

g++ main.cpp -o main -pg    # use "-pg" compiler options
gprof ./main > report.txt


clang: error: the clang compiler does not support -pg option on versions of OS X 10.9 and later

1.3 Timespec

timespec start, end;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start);
// ...
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &end);
double deltaT = (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) * 1e3 + (end.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec) * 1e-6;   //计算程序执行时间,单位为ms

2. Data Structure

2.1 Complete Binary Tree

Complete binary tree can be stored as an array.

2.1.1 Construction

CAUTION: A complete tree with n leaves need an array with "_size" to store.

\(\_size = 2 * bottomSize - 1, bottomSize = 2^{min(k)}\) where \(2^k \geq n, k \in N\).

2.1.2 Visit

Given a node with index i, leftChild = 2 * i + 1, rightChild = 2 * i + 2.

2.2 Binary Search Tree

left springs <= node <= right springs

inorder tranversal sequence: non-decreasing

2.3 Balanced BST

2.4 KD-Tree

2.4.1 Requirements 1D Range Query

Count the number of points belong to I = (x1, x2] among P = { p1, ... pn } (or to report the points of \(I \cap P\) ).

We're not satisfied by \(O(n)\) !

It can be solved by binary search on a sorted (\(O(nlogn)\)) vector or array.

For each query, the complexity is \(O(logn + r)\). 2D Range Query

For higher dimension occasions, the binary search doesn't work. Somebody may consider performing binary search on each dimension one by one. But, the complexity can be very bad. (You may select nearly n points when searching on the first dimension. However, when it comes to the 2nd dimension, the remained points may be r << n. But your complexity is \(O(n)\) , which is expensive for r.)

So we need an advanced DS, 2D-Tree.

2.4.2 1D-Tree Data Structure

A balanced binary search tree.

Input data are stored in leaves. Inside nodes store the maximum value in the left child tree.

1d-tree Query Algorithm

Search(x): returns the maximum key not greater than x

Lowest Common Ancestor: LCA(x, y) = sub_root

Report the points inside [x, y]:

Starting from LCA:
Go to x (by turn left as much as possible):
    Ignore turning right;
    For each turning left, report the right subtree;
Go to y (by turn right as much as possible):
    Ignore turning left;ss
    For each turning right, report the left subtree; Complexity

Preprocessing: \(O(nlogn)\);

Storage: \(O(n)\);

Query: \(O(logn)\);

2.4.3 2D-Tree Data Structure

Balanced Binary Search Tree.

Divide the k-dim space to regions dimension by dimension. Algorithm Build
build(set P, depth):
    if P.size == 1: // base
        return createLeaf(P)
        root = createKdNode()
        root->splitDirection = dimension[depth % k]
        root->splitLine = FindMedian(root->splitDirection, P)   // nth_element; Complexity: O(n)
        P1, P2 = Divide(P, root->splitDirection, root->splitLine)
        root->lChild = buildKdTree(P1, d + 1)
        root->rChild = buildKdTree(P2, d + 1)
        return root

Time: \(T(n) = 2*T(\frac{n}{2}) + O(n) \Rightarrow T(n) = O(nlogn)\)

Storage: \(1 + 2 + ... + O(2^{logn}) = O(n)\)

Bounding box Optimization: Query - KdSearch(v, R)

Search starts at v; query range is R

Key idea: Recurse in when there's intersection. Report it when it is enclosed.

kdSearch(v, R):
  if v is leaf:
    if v in R:

  if v->lChild in R:
  else if v->lChild have intersection with R:
    kdSearch(v->lChild, R)

  if v->rChild in R:
  else if v->rChild have intersection with R:
    kdSearch(v->rChild, R)

Time: No more than 2 of the 4 grandchildren of each node will recurse!

\(Q(n) = 2 + 2Q(n/4), Q(1) = O(1) \Rightarrow Q(n) = O(\sqrt{n})\)

Report + Search: \(O(r + \sqrt{n})\)

2.5 Multi-Level Search Tree

2.5.1 Data Structure


2.5.2 Construct

2.5.3 Query

2.6 Range Tree

2.7 Interval Tree

Application: Stabbing Query. Which intervals enclose the given point?


2.7.1 Data Structure



2.7.2 Construction


    Node* leftChild
    Node* rightChild
    starts = list of intervals overlapping mid_point sorted by left endpoints
    ends = list of intervals overlapping mid_point sorted by right endpoints

Sort the intervals by two approaches:
        begin points increasing
    end points decreasing

ConstructIntervalTree(vector<Interval> intervals):
    if intervals.size == 0:
        return nullptr
    Node node
    vector<Num> P = endpoints of intervals  // P.size = 2 * intervals.size
    node.mid_point = median in P
    left_intervals, right_intervals
    for interval in intervals:
        if interval is on the left of mid_point:
            left_intervals += interval
        else if interval is on the right of mid_point:
            right_intervals += interval
        else:       // overlapping
            node.starts += interval, node.ends += interval
    sort node.starts increasingly by left endpoints
    sort node.ends decreasingly by right endpoints
    node.leftChild = ConstructIntervalTree(left_intervals)
    node.rightChild = ConstructIntervalTree(right_intervals)
    return node

2.7.3 Query


queryIntervalTree(Node v, Num q):
        if (!v)     return
        if q < v.mid_point:
                // report intervals in v.intervals overlapping q
                for interval in v.starts:
                        if interval.start <= q: report interval
                        else:   break
                queryIntervalTree(v.leftChild, q)
        else if v.mid_point < q:
                // report intervals in v.intervals overlapping q
                for interval in v.ends:
                        if q <= interval.end:   report interval
                        else:   break
                queryIntervalTree(v.rightChild, q)
                report v.intervals

2.8 Segment Tree

2.8.1 Data Structure

2.8.2 seg-tree-01

2.8.3 Construction

Segment tree can be derived from complete binary tree. Determine the Elementary Intervals

Given some intervals, we use "cursors" or partitions to determine the elementary intervals(EI). A cursor can be regarded as a partition which splits a pair of continuous number, like: \(5 | 6\).

From an interval \([x_1, y_1]\), we get a pair of cursors \(c_1 = x_1 - 1, c_2 = y_1\). Compared to endpoints of an interval, cursors can be placed at the left or the right of a number, which distinguishes whether a number is used as a beginning points or an ending points. That's the advantage that matters!

Then, we use sorted and deduplicated cursors to construct EIs.

        get the cursors from intervals  // the number of cursors: O(2n)
        sort the cursors    // O(nlogn)
        deduplicate the cursors // O(n)
        for each cursor c[i] (0 <= i <= number of cursors - 1):     // the number of EIs: O(2n) = O(n)
                get an EI = [ c[i] + 1, c[i + 1] ] Build the Segment Tree
BuildSegmentTree(current node, subset of sorted EIs):   // O(n)
        range of current node = range of EIs
        if EIs.size == 1:
                BuildSegmentTree(left child of current node, EIs[0: medians])
                BuildSegmentTree(right child of current node, EIs[medians : ])

Total costs of building: \(O(nlogn)\)

2.8.4 Insert Intervals

InsertSegmentTree(current node, interval):
        if interval encloses range of the node:
                store the interval at current node
                if interval have intersection with range of the left child of current node:
                InsertSegmentTree(left child, interval)
        if interval have intersection with range of the right child of current node:
                InsertSegmentTree(right child, interval)

When running InsertSegmentTree, at each level, less than 4 nodes are visited (2 stores + 2 recursions). \(\Rightarrow O(logn)\)

2.8.5 Query

QuerySegmentTree(current node, interval):
        if interval have no intersections with range of current node:
    if interval encloses range of current node:
                report all intervals stored in the current node
    if current node is a leaf:
    if interval have intersection with range of the left child of current node:
                QuerySegmentTree(left child, interval)
    if interval have intersection with range of the right child of current node:
        QuerySegmentTree(right child, interval)

When querying a point (degraded interval), only 1 node is visited per level, altogether \(O(logn)\) nodes.

Total: \(O(r + logn)\)

2.9 Dictionary - Unordered Map - Hash Map

2.9.1 Hash Function From Mod to MAD

hash(key) = (a * key + b) % M, where M is prime. Polynomial: string -> int

3. Algorithms

3.1 ToLeft

Use cross product to judge whether a point is located at the left of a line.

Line: A(x1, y1) -> B(x2, y2)

Point: C(x3, y3)

Calculate \(\overrightarrow{AB} \times \overrightarrow{AC}\)

// Cross product on two vectors
long long crossProduct(const long long& x1, const long long& y1, const long long& x2, const long long& y2)
    // (x1, y1) X (x2, y2)
    return x1 * y2 - y1 * x2;

The codes above are based on the following theorem:

\[(x_1, y_1, z_1) \times (x_2, y_2, z_2) =\begin{vmatrix} \boldsymbol{i} & \boldsymbol{j} & \boldsymbol{k} \\ x_1 & y_1 & z_1 \\ x_2 & y_2 & z_2 \end{vmatrix} = (y_1 z_2 - y_2 z_1)\boldsymbol{i} - (x_1 z_2 - x_2 z_1)\boldsymbol{j} + (x_1 y_2 - x_2 y_1)\boldsymbol{k}\]

3.2 Bi-Connected Components

Articulation Point: cut-vertex

Bi-connected graph: graph without any Articulation Point \(\Rightarrow\) at least two ways between any two points ???

Bi-connected components: maximal bi-connected graph; Any connected graph decomposes into a tree of biconnected components.

3.2.1 Algorithm via DFS

4. Complexity Analysis

4.1 Lower Bound

4.1.1 Algebratic Decision Tree Comparison Tree


Last update: January 5, 2021
Authors: Co1lin