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1 Introduction

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This is my notes for (self-)learning Computer Network (2021 Spring course at school), mainly following the textbook Computer Networking - A Top Down Approach.

1. 交换方式及其优劣


2. 协议分层结构

协议数据单元 Protocol Data Unit

Ref: PDU



3. 服务原语


4. Reference Models

4.1 OSI

Open Systems Interconnection


4.1.1 Physical Layer

如何在信道上传输bits stream(bits on the wire)

Neighbouring: 相邻网络实体(?)间的数据传输

Framing: 从bits stream提取出frame(帧)

4.1.3 Network Layer

host to host: 将packet跨越网络,从源设备发送到目的设备(定位到主机

Routing: 路由,选取转发路径

4.1.4 Transport Layer

port to port: 从源端口发送到目的端口(进程到进程)(定位到进程)

4.1.5 Session Layer

4.1.6 Presentation Layer

4.1.7 Application Layer

4.2 TCP/IP

Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol

Adopted by ARPANET(Advanced Research Projects Agency Network).

Named by two main protocols.

Concept: Smart host & Simple Network.


Ref: TCP/IP Model

4.2.1 Process/Application Layer


上面的高层协议:DNS, HTTP, FTP, SMTP, ...

4.2.2 Host-to-Host/Transport Layer

端到端传输:TCP, UDP

4.2.3 Internet Layer


定义了packet的格式与协议: IPv4 and IPv6

This layer corresponds to the combination of Data Link Layer and Physical Layer of the OSI model. It looks out for hardware addressing and the protocols present in this layer allows for the physical transmission of data.

4.3 Comparison

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Data Link Layer: frame

Network Layer: packet

Transport Layer: segment

Application Layer: message

5. International Organizations

ISO: International Organization for Standardization

IETF: Internet Engineering Task Force 互联网工程任务组(每人都可以是IETFer。)

Internet 标准以RFC (Request for Comments) 的形式公开。成为了事实标准。

6. Unit of measurement

PPS: Packet Per Sec.

Delay: 从一端传输至另一端所需的时间

RTT: Round-Trip TIme 往返时延(e.g. ping


Throughput 吞吐量

goodput 有效吞吐量(目的地正确接受到的有用信息)

Jitter 时延抖动

7. Network Security

Virus: 需要用户交互不断传播(e.g. 打开email后里面的可执行代码给所有通信录再次发送)

Worm: 蠕虫。无需明显交互;不断扫描网络中存在漏洞的host。

DoS: Denial-of_Service Attack

Botnet: 僵尸网络。感染bot程序。


Packet Sniffing: 嗅探

IP spoofing: 欺骗;伪造源IP


Last update: June 13, 2021
Authors: Colin