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The Economics of Labor Markets

1. The Markets for the Factors of Production

factors of production: the inputs used to produce goods and services

The Production Function:

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Marginal Product of Labor: \(MPL = {dQ \over dL}\)

Value of the Marginal Product of Labor: \(VMPL = P \times MPL\) (from amount of production to dollars)

\(W\) denotes wage, then \(\Delta \text{Profit} = VMPL - W\)

The value-of-marginal-product (VMPL) curve is the labor-demand curve for a competitive, profit-maximizing firm.


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At the equilibrium point, wage (W) = VMPL

2. Earnings and Discrimination

compensating differential: a difference in wages that arises to offset the nonmonetary characteristics of different jobs

human capital: the accumulation of investments in people, such as education and on-the-job training

The Superstar Phenomenon

Superstars arise in markets that have two characteristics:

  1. Every customer in the market wants to enjoy the good supplied by the best producer.
  2. The good is produced with a technology that makes it possible for the best producer to supply every customer at low cost.

Last update: September 13, 2022
Authors: Co1lin