MPI Design
SPMD: Single Program Multi. Data
1. P2P Communication
1.1 Blocking
will not return until the send buffer is usable for new data again.
will not return until the receive buffer is available for reading.
System buffer???
1.2 Non-Blocking
Wait or Test:
MPI_Request request;
MPI_Status status;
MPI_Isend(start, count, datatype, dest, tag, comm, &request);
MPI_Irecv(start, count, datatype, dest, tag, comm, &request); MPI_Wait(&request, &status);
MPI_Wait(&request, &status);
MPI_Test(&request, &flag, &status);
1.3 Dead lock
Unsafe pattern below!!!
- System buffer has a limited size.
- Before Receiving, system buffer is used for storing data to send
- When size of data to send > size of system buffer, the receiver has to provide space
re-order; potential risk: sequential! waste bandwidth
// process 0 Send(1); Recv(1); // Process 1 Recv(0); Send(1);
// process 0 SendRecv(1); // Process 1 SendRecv(0);
allows simultaneous sending and receiving.It provides receive buffer when sending.
Bsend: self-provide buffer for sending.
// process 0 Bsend(1); Recv(1); // Process 1 Bsend(0); Recv(0);
partially Async; potential risk: sequential! waste bandwidth
(Recommended) Isend + Irecv + Waitall for both process
e.g. Mesh exchange
-> Principle and Lessons Learned: Delay Sync Operations
1.4 P2P Protocols
Eager Protocol
- send to buffer directly ; no confirmation required -> reduce sync delay
- local copy needed
- enough space required; small message
Rendezvous Protocol
- send envelop first for confirmation -> need time to sync
- no local data copy
- big data
2. Process Mapping
Map processes to physical devices reasonably
- Different communication needs in different processes
- Different performance (bandwidth, delay) of different nodes in a cluster
Problem Abstraction: Graph Mapping
- NP-Complete Problem
- Heuristic algorithm
Two simple mapping ways:
- Block
- Cyclic
Process Binding
- reduce cost of switching, cache miss, and cross NUMA access
3. Collective Communication
3.1 Bcast and Reduce
Broadcast A from P1 to all of the processes. (1-to-all)
Flat Tree
- (P - 1) sendings
- Bandwidth waste
Binomial Tree
Van De Geijn: Bcast + Allgather
Reduce data from all of the processes to P2 with sum op. (all-to-1)
3.2 Scatter and Gather
Scatter: Distribute different data to different processes. (1-to-all)
- The root node has all of the data at the beginning.
- The root node sends different parts of the data to different processes.
Gather: The root node gathers data from all of the processes. (all-to-1)
3.3 All-X
3.3.1 Allgather
Allgather = Gather + Bcast
- (P - 1) steps
- No bandwidth waste
Recursive Doubling
3.3.2 Allreduce
Reduce + Bcast
Ring: Reduce-Scatter + Allgather
3.3.3 Alltoall
Alltoall: Each process gathers different data from all of the processes. (n ✖️ Gather)
4. Communicator and Group
: Pre-defined communicator for all of the processes
- Group: within which processes can communicate to each other
- Communicator: each one binds to a group; to provide communication functions
POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface) v.s. MPI:
MPI-IO can:
- Open the file only once
- R/W simultaneously
Independent IO (traditional?)
- Each process has a request
- Serial when the same file is requested by different processes
Collective IO
- Shared R/W buffer: combine many queries into a single one -> reduce IO request
- sync needed
6. Performance
6.1 Performance Model
alpha-beta model: Time = alpha (latency) + n * beta (cost per byte) = latency + n / bandwidth
For most cases, alpha >> beta >> cost per FLOP
Cost of a big data < Cost of many small data , e.g.
alpha + n * beta < n * (alpha + 1 * beta)
Computing to Communication Ratio should be large enough, as cost per FLOP is small
LogP Model: Latency / overhead / gap / Proc
6.2 Profiling
OSU Benchmark