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  • Multi-threading
  • Shared mem.
  • Incremental parallelization

fork-join model

Task distribution structure:

  • do / for
  • section
  • single

for loop scheduling:

  • static: suitable for balanced workload
  • dynamic
  • guided: k tasks for the 1st time; k/2 tasks for the 2nd time; ...
    • better working balance but more cost than static
    • not balanced very well as dynamic


#pragma omp parallel num_threads(2)
  #pragma omp sections
    #pragma omp section
      // section1
    #pragma omp section
      // section2




Loosen Consistency

  • value of a shared variable is not guaranteed to be the latest

  • need "flush"

  • auto flushed commands:

    • in/out: parallel, critical, ordered
    • out: for, sections, single
  • manually flush:

    #pragma omp flush [acq_rel / release / acquire] [var1, ...]

Last update: March 29, 2022
Authors: Co1lin