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Learning with Coding:

Blackbox fuzzing

  • feed random inputs to programs
  • see whether it exhibits incorrect behavior
  • Easy but inefficient


  • generate inputs based on file or network

Problem detection

  • Own dynamic checker: valgrind skins ???

Regression testing

  • To confirm that a recent program or code change has not adversely affected existing features
  • Re-run some test cases to ensure existing functionalities work fine

Mutation-based fuzzing

Generation-based fuzzing

Coverage-guided gray-box fuzzing

  • Special type of mutation-based fuzzing

  • Run mutated inputs on instrumented (插桩) program and measure code coverage

  • Search for mutants that result in coverage increase

    1) try random mutations on test corpus 2) only add mutants to the corpus if coverage increases

  • Examples: American Fuzzy Lop (cut off branches) (AFL), libfuzzer


Data-flow-guided fuzzing

Differential testing/fuzzing

- Provide the same input to a series of similar applications, and observe differences in their execution

How much fuzzing is enough?

  • Code coverage: how much code has been executed
    • Line coverage
    • Branch coverage
    • Path coverage
    • NOTE: do not guarantee finding the bug (e.g. input sensitive)

Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE)

  • flaws in information security systems that could be used to harm an organization or personal computer systems

Last update: August 17, 2022
Authors: Co1lin